We teach communities when you employ a facilitator, find somebody who's been out there, somebody who knows life, somebody who can respond to the passion of the client with compassion for the client. The word passion comes from the Latin passio, which means to suffer. When I say I am looking for people who are passionate about their ideas, I mean people who are prepared to suffer for what they want to do. They are the only people we help. They have to believe it, if they don't believe in their ideas, forget it. When we find people who are passionate, we have to find people who have compassion, who can commit with these people. I train the facilitators to be the paratroopers of development. These are people who are trained to be loyal to you, not to the funding agency, not to the government.
From a speech by Ernesto Sirollo to the WSU/Kellogg Holistic Management project's third annual statewide meeting in Spokane, Washington in February 1999
You can find a much longer extract here.
This seems to have strong affinities with BizzFizz, Local Alchemy and Economic Gardening all of which I have written about here .